Collecting Comments

#website#rust#api#comments::alemi::2023-10-15 04:27

I'm starting to learn and love the IndieWeb: the small and cute sites are lovely and so many! Some are simple blogs, others are full blown role-playing-games! Sometimes i find a really great site and i'd love to leave a comment showing my awe, but there usually isn't a guestbook.

I also really wanted to collect comments from people visiting my site. I know it's not many, and I know they usually won't bother, but I still want to leave the chance and hope (: So i decided to get to work and cook something myself! And thus was born. is an all-in-one solution: it works with an sqlite database, requires zero config and bundles a web interface to read and post comments. You can check how it looks by default here.

But it doesn't end here: is quite configurable! It can be deployed as a bare API (like I do on this site) and then used with a simple HTML form.

The underlying infinite-scroll script is publicly available and can be used for other projects: it has jsdocs and is tiny!

If you like what you see, check it out and deploy it on your site! Maybe even leave a comment on the frontpage :3

source code