my blog
longer thoughts of mine: opinions, vents, things i find cool and more
Cleaning up your git history |
2024-08-02 |

Because everyone eventually decides that their old mail is no longer... great to have on git commits
Why I don't trust AI code completion |
2023-10-28 |

While I don't want to sound like a Luddite, I don't use and trust AI code completion and believe that everyone should have more skepticism on them
Oxidizing Arduino |
2022-10-16 |

My experience with embedded rust: getting from a blinking led to a system monitor
Enforcing Commit Style |
2022-10-11 |

Forcing myself to write appropriate commit messages with git hooks and some bash scripting
It's Not Bikeshedding! |
2022-10-10 |

I believe that any care towards your codebase is forward-thinking rather than bike-shedding